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beauty services


The History of Sugaring

The body sugaring method of hair removal is originally considered to be an ancient Egyptian art, even purportedly used by Cleopatra herself! The Persian women were the first to approve a hairless body to be the epitome of beauty and youth. This is why they ultimately made use of a sugaring paste or wax called ‘moum’ made of sugar, water, and lemon for removing hair. The paste was applied in the direction of hair growth, covered with a piece of muslin cloth and pulled off when cooled. This was considered to be the most effective and natural way of removing body hair. This ancient Egyptian art of hair removal has only recently been revived in the modern age, as smooth, hairless skin is the desire of a majority of women today.

Recent rumors circulating around the internet suggest that women have only been removing hair from their legs for the last hundred years or so, however, that may only be true for American and European women. The fact that the removal of body hair for Europeans wasn’t terribly popular gives way to the fact that American women didn’t shave, seeing as most of the immigrants were European. However, in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Middle Eastern countries, removing body hair was incredibly important. In fact, these women removed most of their body hair (with the exception of their eyebrows), not to mention the Egyptian women that went as far as removing their head hair. Even having hair down under was considered uncivilized by most Egyptian, Greek, and Middle Eastern standards. Knowing what we know now, we can conclude that body sugaring is one of the best methods (if not the best!) for hair removal. It is the safest, least painful, and most effective (both in cost and application terms) when compared to others AND can be easily prepared at home. So what say we put away the wax and strips for good, and make some room for sugar and juice!



Post-Sugaring Skin Care

Now that your hair has been removed and your skin has been gently exfoliated, please allow 7 to 10 days to pass until gently exfoliating with our Liquid Luffa PFB Body Scrub. This scrub contains glycolic acid and papaya fruit extract and only needs to be massaged onto the skin for 30 seconds. This miracle scrub is designed to remove dead skin cells on the face/body and prevent ingrown hairs.

During the recovery period, avoid hot showers, tubs, swimming pools, the gym, and prolonged sun exposure for 2 days following treatment. We also recommend refraining from applying makeup and/or deodorant to recently sugared areas for 12 hours following treatment. Because the pores of the skin are more open, there is a greater chance of bacterial infection (salt water pools and tubs are okay). Tiny red spots may appear on the skin for a few hours, or even a day or so in some cases. If this should happen, do not be alarmed. This is merely an indication that the hairs have been removed from the follicle and it is quite normal after a treatment, as they will soon disappear.

Many people are subject to in-grown hairs due to the hair being out of the follicle for weeks, thus giving the dead skin cells a chance to form over at the mouth of the follicle, causing the hair to grow under the skin when it reappears. To prevent this from happening, you should soak three times per week in lukewarm water with a 1/2 cup of dead sea salts for roughly 10 minutes. Exfoliate for a few more minutes. and be sure to re-hydrate your skin afterwards with body lotion. For further assistance, ask your sugarist for suggestions to suit your personal requirements.



Prepping for Sugaring

There are several preparations you should take prior to coming in for a sugaring session, whether it's your first or fiftieth time. For the best results, start exfoliating the desired area of hair removal the week before your appointment to help remove dead skin. Otherwise, on the day of your appointment, you're going to want to shower, lightly exfoliate, and cleanse your skin of any possible surface oils and/or lotions. First time visitors should allow all hair cycles to be 1/8" long in order to be removed via sugaring.

We also advise that you come to your session wearing comfortable clothing that is loose-fitting and light-colored. Loose-fitting clothing is important because it is crucial to not provide any direct pressure to the skin after sugaring. It also makes it much easier for your sugarist to work around clothing, which you may choose to keep on. Light-colored clothing is recommended because the dyes in dark clothing can (on rare occasion) seep into the hair follicles that are opened during hair removal. For clients getting Bikini and Brazilian sugaring, we advise wearing plain white underwear for the following 24 hours, and not wearing pantyhose (thigh-highs are fine if your thighs were not sugared).

For your comfort, you may opt to take ibuprofen about 30 minutes prior to arrival; while sugaring does not hurt like waxing, there is a little sting. Ideally, clients should have little or no caffeine in their systems as caffeine heightens sensitivity. Waxing during your menstrual cycle is also not recommended. During your cycle, your body is more sensitive due to hormonal changes, thus causing the treatment to be more painful than necessary. On your follow-up visit, please allow 4-6 weeks of hair growth to maintain perfectly smooth skin.
